Cátedra II de Fisiología



El Laboratorio de Fisiología y Fisiopatología Endocrina  está abocado al estudio de los efectos que provocan los Disruptores endocrinos sobre distintas funciones endocrinas, en especial las sexuales y tiroideas; así como los cambios neuroendocrinas-conductuales y sus mecanismos que provocan estos disruptores endocrinos.

Por otra parte estudiamos las alteraciones cardiovasculares y renales provocadas por un estado de hiperuricemia y la diabetes.


Líneas de Investigación:


1. Estudios en animales:


“Acción de los Disruptores endocrinos sobre la conducta ansiogénica y sexual y sus mecanismos de regulación en ratas.”


“Consumo de agua de napas y su relación con el hipotiroidismo endémico humano. Posible acción disruptora endocrina. Relación con un modelo experimental en Xenopus Laevis.”


“Efecto de los Disruptores Endocrinos sobre el desarrollo puberal, la maduración sexual”.


“Rol de la hiperuricemia y el síndrome metabólico sobre el sistema cardiovascular, renal y metabólico en ratas. Su relación con el estado gonadal”.

2. Estudios en Pacientes:

“Marcadores tisulares de malignidad, para el seguimiento pre quirúrgico del microcarcinoma tiroideo”.

“Rol de la hiperuricemia y la diabetes sobre el sistema cardiovascular, renal y metabólico”.









  • Prof. Dr. Osvaldo J. Ponzo. Profesor Titular de Fisiología y Biofísica. Dr. en Ciencias Fisiológicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Médico especialista en Endocrinología y Metabolismo. Dirección desde año 2011.




  • Dra. María Fernanda Modarelli. Jefa de trabajos Prácticos de Fisiología y Biofísica. Dra. en Ciencias Fisiológicas. Medica Especialista en Inmunología.
  • Médico Rodrigo M. Bilbao. Jefe de trabajos Prácticos de Fisiología y Biofísica. Médico especialista en Psiquiatra. Tesista de Doctorado UBA.
  • Médica María Jimena Soutelo. Jefa de trabajos Prácticos de Fisiología y Biofísica. Médica especialista en Endocrinología y Metabolismo.
  • Médica Yanina Alejandra Samaniego. Ayudante de Primera de Fisiología y Biofísica Medica Especialista en Infectología. Ex Beca estímulo UBA.
  • Médico Claudio Berardi. Jefe de trabajos Prácticos de Fisiología y Biofísica Médico especialista en Clínica Médica y medicina interna. Dr. en Ciencias de la salud Fundación Barcelo. Magister en Educación Superior. Universidad. Nacional de La Matanza.


Técnicos Profesionales:

  • Verónica Zucarella. Licenciada en Genética.
  • Ricardo Chung. Licenciado en Ciencias Ambientales.



  • Pablo Cepero. Encargado de Criadero y  manejo de animales experimentales.



  • Dr. Gabriel Casas. Médico especialista de Patología. Jefe de Servicio de Patología. Hospital Alemán.


  • Felipe Merovich. Ayudante de segunda, UA2.
  • Franco Pachetti. Ayudante de segunda, UA2.
  • Renata Altuna. Ayudante de segunda, UA2.
  • Joaquín Manfre. Ayudante de segunda, UA2.
  • José Ignacio Serralunga. Ayudante de segunda, UA2.


Ex Directores:

  • Prof. Dr. Pablo Scacchi. Profesor Consulto de Fisiología, UBA.  Medico. Investigador Independiente del CONICET. Años 2003 a 2010.
  • Prof. Dr. Jaime A. Moguilevsky. Profesor Emérito de Fisiología, UBA.  Medico. Investigador Superior del CONICET. Años 1986 a 2002.

Ex integrantes:

  • Dra. Roxana Reynoso. Bioquímica, Especialista en Endocrinología. Dra. en Ciencias Fisiológicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires.
  • Dr. Pablo Scacchi Bernasconi. Medico. Dr. en Ciencias Fisiológicas. Universidad Católica Argentina.
  • Licencianda en Biología Laura Deguiz. Tesis de Licenciatura y Beca estímulo UBA.
  • Dra. Silvia Carbone. Bioquímica. Técnica Profesional del CONICET.
  • Medica. María Elena Carou. Beca estímulo UBA.
  • Doctora Georgina Paula Ossani. Medica especialista en Patología. Investigador adjunto CONICET.
  • Medico Ezequiel Becher. Beca estímulo UBA.
  • Bioquímica María Ángeles Cacciamano. Pasantía de rotación Disruptores Endocrinos de la residencia de Bioquímica Endocrina, Servicio de Endocrinología, Hospital de Niños de la Santísima Trinidad, Córdoba).
  • Maximilano Ink                         Pasante estudiante medicina.  Desde 3/2019 hasta 3/2020.
  • Debora Correa Loureiro          Pasante estudiante medicina. Desde 3/2019 hasta 4/2023.
  • Agustina Cotic                         Pasante estudiante medicina. Desde 3/2019 hasta 3/2021.
  • Martina Izurieta                       Pasante estudiante medicina. Desde 3/2019 hasta 3/2021.
  • Yamila Villaverde                    Pasante estudiante  medicina. Desde 3/2014 hasta 3/2015.
  • Florencia Sarratea                   Pasante estudiante medicina. Desde 5/2011 hasta 8/2012.
  • Camila Benito                          Pasante estudiante medicina Desde 7/2008 hasta 3/2009.
  • Ferrari Natalia Giselle             Pasante estudiante medicina. Desde 3/2008 hasta 3/2009.
  • Garcia Arabéhéty Julia                        Pasante estudiante medicina.             Desde 8/2007 hasta 3/2010.
  • Florencia Biasoli                      Pasante estudiante medicina. Desde 3/2006 hasta 3/2007.
  • Evangelina Petrocino              Pasante estudiante medicina Desde 3/2005 hasta 3/2007.
  • Gustavo Pawluk:                     Pasante estudiante medicina. Desde 3/2003 hasta 3/2005
  • Romina Cardozo:                    Pasante estudiante medicina. Desde 3/2003 hasta 6/2007.
  • Maria Elena Carou:                 Pasante estudiante medicina. Desde 3/2003 hasta 3/2010.
  • Ximena Lopez Mujica:             Pasante estudiante medicina. Desde 3/2002 hasta 3/2003.


Publicaciones destacadas


2022: Water Contamination by Nitrates and its Thyroid Disruptive Action. Bioassay on Xenopus Laevis 


2020:Renal Damage During Continuous Versus Intermittent Treatment with Lithium 


2019: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11K5Q-_fmPWO5i9dEFVny4SCshSEccN3Y/view?usp=sharing



2019:Effect of di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate on the neuroendocrine regulation of reproduction in adult male rats
and its relationship to anxiogenic behavior: Participation of GABAergic system


2019:Cardiovascular Changes in Normo and Hypogonadal Rats Treated with a High-Fructose Diet and Induced
Hyperuricemia Condition 


2018:Disruptores endocrinos: Guía dereconocimiento, acciones y recomendaciones para el manejo médico 


2018:Cardiometabolic Changes in Different Gonadal Female States Caused by Mild Hyperuricemia and Exposure to a High-Fructose Diet 


2017:Influence of Normo- and Hypogonadal Condition, Hyperuricemia, and High-Fructose Diet on Renal Changes in
Male Rats 


2015:Exposure to a low dose of bisphenol A impairs pituitary-ovarian axis in prepubertal rats Effects on early folliculogenesis 


2013: Low dose of bisphenol A impairs the reproductive axis of prepuberal male rats


2013: Leptin inhibits the reproductive axis in adult male Syrian hamsters exposed to long and short


2013:Evidence of reproductive disruption associated with neuroendocrine changes induced by UV–B filters, phtalates and nonylphenol during sexual maturation in rats of both gender


2013: Antiandrogenic effect of perinatal exposure to the endocrine disruptor di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate increases anxiety-like behavior in male rats during sexual maturation


2012: Different effects by sex on hypothalamic–pituitary axis of prepubertal offspring rats produced by in utero and lactational exposure to di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate(DEHP)


2011:Probable gamma-aminobutyric acid involvement in bisphenol A effect at the hypothalamic level
in adult male rats 


2010:Reproductive axis response to repeated lipopolysaccharide administration in peripubertal female rats


2010:In vitro Effect of Octyl-Methoxycinnamate(OMC) on the Release of Gn-RH and Amino Acid Neurotransmitters by Hypothalamus of Adults Rats


2010:Impact of gestational and lactational phthalate exposure on hypothalamic content of amino acid neurotransmitters and FSH secretion in peripubertal male rats


2010:Evidence to suggest glutamic acid involvement in Bisphenol A effect at the hypothalamic level in prepubertal malerats


2010: Efectos de la administración de bisfenol A en etapas clavede la maduración sexual


2009:Impact of the UV-B filter 4-(Methylbenzylidene)-camphor (4-MBC) during prenatal development in the neuroendocrine regulation of gonadal axis in male and female adult rats 


2009: Impact of 4-Methylbenzylidene-camphor (4-MBC) during Embryonic and Fetal Development in the
Neuroendocrine Regulation of Testicular Axis in Prepubertal and Peripubertal Male Rats


2008:Efecto de la exposicion transgeneracional  al disruptor endocrino di-2-etilhexil-fatalato, sobre la secrecion de gonadotrofinas en ratas peripuberes


2008:Low dose 4-MBC effect on neuroendocrine regulation of reproductive axis in adult male rats


2008:Effect of Bacterial Lipopolysaccharide on the Reproductive Axis of Prepubertal and
Peripubertal Female Rats 


2008:Efecto de la exposición transgeneracional al disruptor endócrino di-2-etilhexil-fatalato, sobre la secreción de gonadotrofinas en ratas peripúberes


2007:Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes


2006:Endogenous hypertriglyceridemia intensifies the course of cerulein-induced pancreatitis in rat. Relation with change in the VLDL composition


2005:Leptin stimulates the reproductive male axis in rats during sexual maturation by acting on hypothalamic excitatory amino acids


2005:Leptin stimulates LH secretion in peripubertal male rats through NMDA receptors


2004:Hypothalamic nitric oxidesynthase activity during sexual maturation in famele rats-


2004:Effect of Leptin on LH Levels and Hypothalamic Release of GnRH. Its Relationship with the Hypothalamic
Neurotransmitter Amino Acids System in Adult Male Rats


2003:EFFECT OF LEPTIN ON HYPOTHALAMIC RELEASE OF GnRH and neurotrasmitter amino acids during sexual maturation in famele rats


2003:Effects of gabaergic and serotoninergic systems on hypothalamic content of catecholamines during sexual
development in female rats


2002:Ontogenic modifications in the effect of the GABAergic system on the hypothalamic excitatory amino acids: its relationship with GABAergic control of gonadotrophin secretion during sexual maturation in female rats


2002:Changes in the Effect of Testosterone on Hypothalamic Nitric Oxide Synthetasa During Sexual Maturation.Its Relationship with GnRH Release


2001:Changes in the Sensitivity of Gonadotrophin Axis to Leptin During Sexual Maturation in Female Rats


2000:  Interrelationships of GABAergic, serotoninergic and excitatory aminoacid systems in its regulatory effect on prolactin secretion in prepubertal rats


2000: IL-1 inhibits NMDA stimulated GnRH secretion_ associated effects on the release of hypothalamic inhibitory amino acid neurotransmitters


2000:IL-1 inhibits NMDA stimulated GnRH secretion_ associated effects on the release of hypothalamic inhibitory amino acid neurotransmitters


2000:Effect of  aproteic diet and fasting on insulin, pancreatic noradrenaline and luteinizing hormone. Change after 24 hours refeeding


2000: Aproteic diet decreases hypothalamic catecholamine turnover in adult male rats


2000:  Age related differences in the effects of bacterial endotoxin LPS upon the release of LHRH gonadotropins and hypothalamic inhibitory amino acid naurotransmitters


1999: GABAergic activation inhibits the hypothalamic pituitary ovaric axis and sexual development in the immature female rat


1999: Effects of the GABA-A receptor agonist and antagonist on the in vitro release of hypothalamic catecholamines


1999: Effects of aproteic diet on hypothalamic pituitary gonadal regulation in the male rat


1999: Effect of aproteic diet on hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal regulation in the male rat


1999:Effect of an aproteic diet on gonadotropin release response to GnRH and estrogen-progesterone in rats


1999: Effect of an aproteic diet on gonadotropin release response to GnRH and estrogen progesterone in rats


1999:Arrest of pulsatile LH secretion during insulin-induced hypoglycemia_ Improvement by intrahypothalamic perfusion with glucose


1998: Interleukin-1 stimulates hypothalamic inhibitory amino acid neurotransmitter release


1998:Effects of fasting and aproteic diet on prolactin regulation in the rat


1998:  Effect of fasting and aproteic diet on prolactin regulation in the rathttps://drive.google.com/file/d/17gzHvLu9LoMAystx3-9wUwpn1sdMUZb9/view?usp=sharing

1998: Effect of bacterial endotoxin on in vivo pulsatile gonadotropin secretion in adult male rats


1998:Detection of prolactin receptor gene expression in the sheep pituitary gland and visualization of the specific translation of the signal in gonadotrophs


1998: Changes in mediobasal hypothalamic dopamine and GABA release


1997: La dieta hiperlipidica cronica intensifica la pancreatitis aguda inducida por ceruleina en la rata


1997: Involvment of GABA in the postnatal function of the GnRH pulse generator as determined


1996:The GABAergic control of GnRH secretion in male rats during sexual maturation involves effects on hypothalamic excitatory and inhibitory amino acid systems


1996:  Evidence to Suggest that gonadotropin releasing hormone inhibits its own secretion by affecting hypothalamic amino acid neurotransmitter release


1996:Effects of endotoxin on in vitro release of LHRH and amino acid neurotransmitters by preoptic mediobasal hypothalamic fragments


1996: Effects of aging on NMDA induced GnRH and LH release in female rats


1995: Repeated intracerebroventricular administration of taurine lowers LH levels and postpones vaginal opening in prepuberal female rats


1995: Peripheral autonomic regulation of gonadotropin secretion in puberal rats


1995:Hypothalamic excitatory amino acid system during sexual maturation in female rats


1995:Effect of ovarian hormones on the hypothalamic excitatory amino acids system during sexual maturation in female rats


1995: Changes in the hypothalamic interaction between norepinephrine and PGE2 during sexual maturation in female rats


1994: Sexual differences in the effect of the GABAergic system on LH secretion and in the hypothalamic ontogenesis of GABAa receptor in prepuberal rats


1994: Mediobasal hypothalamic perfusion with serotonin inhibits steroid-stimulated LH secretion


1994: Effects of taurine on basal and stimulated LH and LHRH secretion in overiectomized rats


1993: Effect of serotoninergic system on the hypothalamic GABAergic activity during sexual maturation in female rats


1993: Amino Acid levels in the hypothalamus and response to NMDA and_or Disocilpine administration during sexual maturation in female rats


1992: GABAergic influence on the development of the sexually dimorphic nucleus of male and female rats


1992:  Effects of preoptic anterior hypothalamic perfussion with serotonin upon steroid stimulated LH secretion


1992:Effects of ovarian steroids on the gonadotropin response to NMDA andon hypothalamic excitatory amino acid levels during sexual maturation in female rats


1992:  Effect of insulin on LHRH release by perifused hypothalamic fragmentshttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1s9KjQLMf1WnegmsHwz-_oanKr6OF_ODA/view?usp=sharing

1992:Changes in the effect of GABA on prolactin secretion during sexual maturation in female rats


1991:Sexual maturation modifies the GABAergic control of gonadotropin secretion in female rats


1991: Differences in the effect of ovarian hormones on hypothalamic GABAergic activity and on LH release during sexual maturation in female rats


1990: Sexual maturation modifies the catecholaminergic control of gonadotrophin secretion and the effect of ovarian hormones on hypothalamic neurotransmitters in female rats


1990:Modulatory Effect of of testosterone on the serotnoninergic control of prolactin secretion in prepuberal rats


1989: Estrous cycle delay and inhibition of gonadotropin and prolactin release during sympathetic nerve degeneration after superior cervical ganglionectomy of rats


1989: Effects of H1 and H2 histamine receptor antagonists on positive feed-back effect of estrogen on LH in prepuberal female rats


1989:Effect of Serotoninergic system on FSH secretion in male and female rats


1987:Abnormal GH response to GHRF in ataxic patients with spinocerebellar degeneration


1986:  Role of Neurotransmitters in the onset of puberty_ Effects on LH secretionhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1ChM5RwJUgXpX887UK-qooOZQ7JN1Kw3W/view?usp=sharing

1985: Sexual differences in the effect of serotonin opn LH secretion in rats


1982: Pinealectomy advances the time of development of steroid feedback on luteinizing hormone release in immature female rats


1981:Sexual differences in the development of estrogenic stimulatory mechanismo on prolactin secretion


1981: Hyperprolactinemia does not affect the development of the stimulatory mechanism of oestrogen progesterone on LH secretion


1980:Neuroendocrine control of ovulation; physiopatological aspects


1979:  Failure of melatonin to increase serum prolactin levels in ovariectomized rats subjected to superior cervical gangliectomy or pinealectomy


1979:Effect of castration on serum gonadotropin levels in androgenized male and female rats


1978:The effect of oral contraceptives on the gonadotropin response to LHRH


1978:  L-DOPA y PRL plasmatica en el cancer y displasia mamarios


1971:  RNA and protein content in different hypothalamic areas_ Influence of castration


1971: Effects of gonadotropins on the oxidative metabolism of hypothalamus


1970:  Metabolic sensitivity of different hypothalamic areas to LH, FSH, and Testosterone


1968:  Oxidative and glycolitic metabolism of different hypothalamic areas in diabetic rat


1968: Intrasplenic ovarian implants, studies in androgenized rats


1961: The effect of cholesterol feeding and of sex hormones on srterial oxygen uptake in chickens


1961:  Testicular action and structural relationships of compounds with antiatherogenic activity


1961:Influencia de las gonadas en la regulacion del metabolismo arterial


1961:Efecto de la castracion y de la hormonoterapia sustitutiva sobre la funcion tiroidea
